these trousers are tight in the seat 意味

  • このズボンは尻のところが窮屈だ


        rather tight-fitting trousers:    細めのズボン
        hole in the seat of the trousers:    ズボンの尻の穴
        shiny seat of trousers:    テカテカになったズボンの尻
        keep one's seat belt tight:    シートベルトをきつく締めたままにしておく
        trousers:     trousers n. pl. ズボン. 【動詞+】 brush one's trousers ズボンにブラシをかける button up one's trousers ズボンのボタンをかける He had his best trousers on. 彼はいちばんいいズボンをはいていた He doesn't have any trousers
        in tight with:    《be ~》~と親密{しんみつ}[緊密{きんみつ}]な
        tight:     tight adj. 緊張した, 緊密な; 窮屈な; 金詰まりの; 《口語》 けちな; 《口語》 酔った. 【副詞】 Pull my belt a bit tighter. ぼくのベルトをもう少しきつく締めてくれ I'm feeling a little tight. 《口語》 ちょっと酔っぱらっているようだ He's completely tight.
        tight on:    《be ~》~に密着{みっちゃく}している
        tight with:    《be ~》~と親しい、~と親密{しんみつ}な関係{かんけい}にある
        seat:     1seat n. 座席; 地位; 議席; (いすなどの)座部; (衣服 ズボンなどの)尻(当て); 尻; (機械などの)台座; (体の機能 病気の)所在地; (馬の)乗り方; 場所; 邸宅. 【動詞+】 Seats are assigned on a basis of first come first served. (劇場などの)席は申し込み順に割り当てられる boo
        seat(s):    seat(s) 観覧席 かんらんせき
        baggy trousers:    baggy trousers 段袋 だんぶくろ
        balloon trousers:    膨らんだズボン
        be in short trousers:     be in shórt tróusers まだほんの子供である.
        corduroy trousers:    コーデュロイのズボン


  1. "these triangles are congruent with each other" 意味
  2. "these tribes made frequent incursions" 意味
  3. "these troops are invincible" 意味
  4. "these troubles weighed him down" 意味
  5. "these trousers are a little loose at the waist" 意味
  6. "these trousers have seen their best days" 意味
  7. "these truths must be learned at the proper time and in the proper way" 意味
  8. "these tumors used to be treated surgically" 意味
  9. "these turkish rugs give the room a different tone" 意味
  10. "these troubles weighed him down" 意味
  11. "these trousers are a little loose at the waist" 意味
  12. "these trousers have seen their best days" 意味
  13. "these truths must be learned at the proper time and in the proper way" 意味

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